Let's get concrete

The role of concrete throughout ages

Concrete, like most building materials, has gone through a long process of development and improvement. Archaeologists discovered the remains of habitation 5000 years ago in excavations on the banks of the Danube, where the 15" thick floors were a prehistoric pouring concrete: red clay was used as the binder, and fine river gravel was used as the reinforcing element.


These days, the use of concrete is widespread across the globe, and it is put to work constructing a wide variety of buildings and other types of structures. The material is utilized in the building of residential and industrial buildings in addition to the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, and hydraulic structures. Additionally, the material is utilized in the construction of residential and industrial buildings. Because the substance itself can be altered in a great number of ways, the most innovative architectural firms, such as Telling Architectural Agency, which is located in Wolverhampton, concentrate on hydraulic lime and lime mortar solutions.

When it comes to construction, the use of concrete enables architects to more freely express their creative ideas and plans. Additionally, an architect is able to create a textured surface that does not need any additional finishing when they use a matrix that contains different patterns. Because of the widespread use of concrete mixtures in construction, many different types of formwork systems have been developed and put into widespread use.

Egyptian culture

The Egyptians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians were all familiar with specific examples of the binding of small stones or solutions with coarse aggregate in ancient times.

he first use of concrete in Egypt was discovered in the tomb of Thebes around 1950 BC. Long before our time, concrete was used to build the Egyptian maze galleries (3600 BC) and the monolithic body of the pyramid Nima. Gypsum and lime were used as binders by the Egyptians. A quarter-century ago, Swiss chemistry professor Joseph Davidovits made the resonance assumption that the erection of the Cheops pyramid involved the artificial production of geopolymer concrete blocks. A professor found a human hair in one of the limestone blocks while examining them; it could only be there in one case: it fell off while mixing the working solution. The inscription on the stele from the 3rd dynasty was the result of the scientist's further research. Decoded characters revealed ancient concrete recipes. According to an independent study, the Great Pyramid's base is made of natural limestone, and the top few rows are made of concrete. A palm ash, sandstone chips, and a variety of soda derived from Nile water comprise a concrete mixture. Asia's concrete In India, well-preserved concrete printed floors (from the IV-V centuries BC) were discovered in temples and nobility palaces. The ancient Chinese people used one of the first concrete materials. The Great Wall of China, which began construction in the third century BC, was partially built of concrete. One part lime putty thoroughly mixed with two parts sand and gravel, then such a dry concrete mix with a small amount of water was stacked in layers of about 7" thickness between the wooden formwork boards and compacted hard wood beetles. On the damp surface, the next layer of concrete was laid.